It's been a long time since I sat down at my computer to write. But God is still blessing and I look forward to every opportunity to share His goodness and faithfulness with others.
I got up early this morning to take my ritual Sunday morning drive to McDonald's for a cup of coffee. My route takes me past a house that I have adored since I was very young; my dream house. I can't even remember the number of times I've driven past that house and asked the Lord to bless me with a chance to own it someday.
For some reason, this house has always seemed out of my reach. If I ever made enough money or was in a financial position to purchase it, would the opportunity ever come my way? Growing up, the house was always occupied. But, as I live and breath, here I am, years later, ready to purchase my first home. The house just so happens to be on the market. It's been empty, almost looking abandoned for several months. After contacting my real estate agent and going on a walk through, I learned that the house was lost to the previous owners by a foreclosure. The house is available at an asking price of almost half the price it would have sold for in it's "hay-day".
The house would need a little work; tender loving care, but it's an incredible opportunity that I can't pass up. Whether the house will be mine someday, I really don't know, but what I'm amazed at is the idea that with God,
no thing is impossible (Luke 1:37). There's just no telling what lengths my Heavenly Father won't go through to make my impossible, possible. There's no estimating what He won't shake, rattle, turnover, twist, break, bless, bend, or up heave to bless His children.
I think of a child desiring something that's on a high shelf and alerting her loving father that she desires that thing, as she rises up on her tippy toes and stretches her arms out trying to grasp that thing. The father simply, without effort takes hold of the object and hands it down to her. God desires to give good gifts to His children (Matt 7:11). I feel my faith ignited as I think of how God cares for me. He will withhold no good thing from me (Ps. 84:11).
Be a blessing