
Welcome, Summer!

I wrote this poem three years ago; back when I only wrote when the exact mood struck me. My immediate family had decided to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with the in-laws in Arkansas. From that day until this, I can honestly say that 2007 is the coldest winter I have ever lived through. That particular winter began in October and went well into March. Our winter clothes had literally worn out by the end of that unbelievably, long freeze.

There I sat, entertaining myself in the backseat of my father's truck, as we rolled down the heavy highway. My headphones placed snug around my ears, as I prepared to be captivated by the soulful and anointed vocals of Yolanda Adams. I was singing along to the live version of The Battle is the Lord's.

There's no pain, Jesus can't feel.
There is no hurt, that He cannot heal.
All things work according to the Masters purpose and His holy will.

Love it! I was thanking God for all the many undeserved blessings in my life. I say undeserved, God says it is His pleasure to bless us. Things don't always work out the way we plan but all things do work together for the good of those who love the Lord.

I always tell the Lord, that He and I have known each other a long time. We have been through so many seasons of life together. The memories of our experiences just allowed a bittersweet smile to wash over my face. I can't help but think God just smiled at me with a somewhat similar thought.

Now, I've been told I have this backwards and that the Fall or Autumn season actually represents new beginnings, therefore, I'm going to post this in the Fall. Apparently, my interpretation of life's seasons are a bit different from the rest of the world. If I change it now, the poem would be called "Welcome Fall". That just doesn't resonate the same with me. It loses something in translation. Just go with me on this one.

Summer, in my opinion, represents fullness and prosperity. We know that to everything there is a season and nature itself teaches us that the change of seasons will surely come. For this reason, I will enjoy every interval of my life, no matter how bitterly cold. God is allowing me to reside in that season for a purpose.

I penned the following on November 23, 2007 with great anticipation of what God had in store for me.

Welcome, Summer!
I greet you with opened arms.
I can finally feel
The warmth of the Son
As I lift my hands.
My hope is revived
Through your mercy.
My strength is increased
By your love.

Fall came and brought
Fear and lifelessness.
The bitter cold of winter
Followed close behind.
Spring applied healing
To a wounded heart,
Leaving only the scars
Of war upon my cheeks.

And now, the pain
and loss left by Winter,
Only a memory.
I emerge victorious
By your grace.

But, oh! Summer
Welcome. I embrace you -
As I march forward
Victory to victory.

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