
Read the Bible through, in 2011

Time spent in God's Word is time spent with God. This is a great way to start a new year and navigate through the Bible.

Blue Letter Bible offers an incredible Bible Reading Program. The program allows you to read the Bible through in it's entirety, by providing PDFs (downloadable and printable) of one and two year reading plans, your choice. Simply go to www.blueletterbible.org, scroll along the right column to the "featured items" section and choose Daily Bible Reading Programs. The link to Blue Letter Bible, can also be found in the Links of Note section at the bottom of this home page.

There are several plans to choose from. For example, you can choose a plan that reads completely through from cover to cover - called Canonical order; read based on the actual Chronological order of events (my personal favorite).; read in the order in which the Bible was written or Historical order; read the Old Testament and New Testament simultaneously -helping you understand God's message to the churches. Just choose one that you feel is right for you, click and save, or click and print and you are on your way.

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